APC 13th June 2021 Somewhere over the Rainbow – (Part 2) ENTER Alison to play some music while people are entering. Welcome, Introduction and Call to Worship Michael Opening Prayer + Lord’s Prayer Opening Song To be in your presence Sharon and Elaine Announcements Michael Kid’s Video Crossroads Kids Club: God’s Story – ‘Recreation’ LINK https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nleiAfrp2kY Kid’s Talk Heaven (Part 2) Michael Kid’s Colouring Tara to help kids Introduction to the Bible Readings Michael Lesson 1 Luke 9 v 28-36 and Luke 16 v 19-31 Rob and Jean Lesson 2 Rev 6 v 9-11 and Rev 21 v 1-4 Emily Reflection “Who are we and what will we do in the Present heaven?” Song of Response The Petersens – ‘All my tears’ LINK https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wsQw2UPHdS0 Prayers for others Michael Closing Words Benediction EXIT Alison to play some music while people are exiting. APC 13th June 2021 Somewhere over the Rainbow – (Part 2) Part 1 Welcome and Introduction Good morning everyone and welcome to our Sunday morning worship. Last week we began a new 3 part series entitled “Somewhere over the rainbow.” Last week we discovered that when we die, our souls or spirits will go to live in the current heaven. At some point in the future, this heaven will be joined to the new redeemed universe to form the new heavens and earth. On that day we will be clothed with our new resurrected bodies that will be like Christ’s resurrected body. Today we are going to ask, “What will we be like and what will we do in the current heaven?” But to begin, as always, we are going to talk to God. So let’s pray… Opening Prayer Loving God, we thank you that in all the changing circumstances of our lives you are a God we can depend on – always faithful, always true, always loving, always merciful. For all your mercies, we praise and thank you. We thank you that you are a God who is constantly at work – in our day to day lives, in our fellowship, in our church in the world. For all your mercies, we praise and thank you. Day by day, week by week, year by year, you are working our your purposes. For all your mercies, we praise and thank you. Seen or unseen, recognised or unrecognised, appreciated r taken for granted, you are moving through your spirit, striving to build your kingdom and fulfil your will. For all your mercies, we praise and thank you. Loving God, you do not work alone, but you have invited us to play a part in your purpose. In your mercy, teach us to respond in faith. Help us to keep our side of the bargain – to do our bit as you do yours, to be a people whose lives clearly witness to your love, to live in a way that is consistent with what we believe and honouring to you. In your mercy, teach us to respond in faith. Help us to make the most of everything you have given us, to use our gifts, to grasp our opportunities and to offer our time, our money and our talents freely in your service. In your mercy, teach us to respond in faith. And help us finally having played our part, to leave all things in your hands, knowing that all else may fail, your love never will. Join with me now as we say the words of the Lord’s Prayer together… Lord’s Prayer Our Father, which art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy name, Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, On earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day, our daily bread, And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive those who trespass against us, And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil, For Thine is the Kingdom, the power and the glory, For ever and ever, AMEN. Introduce the Opening Song I don’t know about you but it’s wonderful at times to be able to just switch everything off and to sit quietly and pray to God. And yet, it can also be difficult because we can’t see Him. But the great news is that one day all that will change when we get to heaven and we will be in the Lord’s presence forever. Then we will see and talk to Him face to face. Sharon and Elaine are going to remind us of that wonderful hope now as they sing for us the beautiful song, “To be in your presence.” (End Part 1) Opening Song To be in your presence Sharon and Elaine Part 2 Intro to the Kid’s Talk / Video We come now to the part of the service that’s especially for our younger members, so if your kids aren’t beside you why not call them in to watch a very interesting video about God’s plan to transform this universe into something perfect. (End Part 2) Kid’s Talk Video Crossroads Kids Club: God’s Story – ‘Recreation’ LINK https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nleiAfrp2kY Part 3 Kid’s Talk Boys and girls, I hope you enjoyed the video. You know there are so many things about this world and about our lives that are really fantastic and brilliant fun. But there are also things that are really sad and painful like when we get sick, or someone dies or someone says something to hurt our feelings. I’m so glad that one day in the future God is going to make this universe perfect again. It’ll be amazing never having to worry about getting old or getting sick and living in a world where everyone is always nice and kind to each other. I’m looking forward to that day. I have trusted in Jesus and asked Him to forgive me and I am following Him so I know that one day I will share this new universe with Him and with all the people that love Jesus. I hope you love Jesus too and that you are excited about living in a perfect new world at some point in the future. If you’ve got any other questions you’d like to know about God then just let me know and we will try to discuss them some other Sunday mornings. Don’t forget to ask your mum or dad to download the colouring sheet from our Facebook Page to help you remember today’s lesson. I hope you have a great week as you enjoy your summer and I hope to see you again soon. But bye for now. Kid’s Colouring https://coloringhome.com/heaven-coloring-pages Introduction to the Bible Readings Michael The bible doesn’t tell us everything about what people are like and what they are currently doing in heaven but there are a few passages that give us some clues. So sit back as Rob and Jean Hendry and Emily Kearon introduce us to a few of these fascinating scriptures… (End Part 3) Lesson 1 Luke 9 v 28-36 and Luke 16 v 19-31 Rob and Jean Lesson 2 Rev 6 v 9-11 and Rev 21 v 1-4 Emily Part 4 Reflection Somewhere over the rainbow – “Who are we and what will we do in the Present heaven?” “I didn’t think it would end this way” said Pippin. “End? No the journey doesn’t end here. Death is just another path…one that we all must take. The grey rain-curtain of this world rolls back, and all turns to silver glass… and then you see it.” answered Gandalf. “What? Gandalf? See what?” “White shores and beyond. The far green country under a swift sunrise.” “Well that isn’t so bad” replied Pippin. “No, no it isn’t” Gandalf concluded. One day, the journey of life on earth will end for us all. The amazing hope we have as Christians is that death is not the end but simply the doorway to a wonderful new life in heaven. The great missionary St Paul certainly considered it vital for people to know what happens when we die. That’s why he writes to the Christians in Thessalonica saying, “Brothers and sisters, we do not want you to be ignorant about those who fall asleep, or to grieve like the rest of people, who have no hope.” That’s why we are currently in the middle of a 3 week series entitled, “Somewhere over the rainbow.” Last week we reflected on the fact that scripture teaches that when we die our bodies enter the ground either through burial or cremation. At the same time our souls or spirits go immediately to the present heaven to be with the Lord. We also considered that scripture teaches that at some point in the future, when Christ returns, the present heaven will come to earth. This current earth will then be radically restored and merged with heaven to form a new heaven and a new earth. At that time, we will be clothed with a brand new resurrection body, modelled on that of Jesus. This body will enable us to live forever with God and with all of the people who have loved and followed Christ during their lifetimes in this amazing new transformed universe. In essence, this reflects a two stage process, although exactly how those who have died will experience the timing of both events is not entirely clear. So last week was really just an introduction, a setting of the scene. Today I want to tentatively try and fill in some of the detail. Although like any good artist I want to be careful not to say too much for fear of spoiling or misrepresenting the picture that we are given in scripture. Like painting, this is definitely one of those topics when you need to know when to stop and when less is definitely more! But this morning what I do want to do is try to answer, or at least plant a few seeds in your minds, about some of the questions that I ask myself concerning the place that our loved ones go to immediately when they die. The first question that I ask is- “will heaven be a conscious experience and is it a real, physical place?” As we have already mentioned, when Christians die, their bodies become part of the earth through burial or cremation, but their soul or spirit goes directly to heaven which we will refer to as the present heaven. That’s why Paul writes to the Corinthians, “To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.” The first thing to say about this is that it seems to suggest that heaven is a real place where we will go to, where we will be fully conscious and with God and all his followers. When we die, we will not experience a long period of unconsciousness until Christ returns. In other words, as reformed Christians we do not believe in the teaching called ‘Soul Sleep’ that some religious groups advocate. When Paul uses the term “those who have fallen asleep” he is simply using that term as a euphemism for death that appears to be asleep. In the story of the rich man and Lazarus it is very clear that the people are fully conscious of their existence in either heaven or hell. In the vision that John has of heaven in Revelation the martyrs around the throne are crying out to God to bring justice for the people on the earth. These heavenly people who have died for their faith are very much conscious and aware not only of what is happening in heaven but also of what is occurring on the earth. So it seems that heaven will be a conscious experience. Where exactly heaven is we can’t be sure, but that doesn’t mean that it isn’t real or that it isn’t a physical place. In fact modern science, may give us some clues as to where heaven might be. That’s because today cutting edge researchers embrace what is called ‘String Theory’. Scientists at Yale, Princeton, Stanford and other universities all accept that there are at least 10 unobservable dimensions and an infinite number of imperceptible universes. If this is what current scientists believe, it is not unreasonable for us as Christians to believe in an unseen dimension with angels and places called heaven and hell. In the bible we read of incidents when God enables people to actually see in to heaven. For example, just before the crowd turned on him in Acts 7 we read that Stephen, “Filled with the Holy Spirit, gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God and Jesus standing at the right hand of God. ‘Look’ he said, ‘I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God’.” Wayne Grudem points out that Stephen, (And I quote) “did not see mere symbols of a state of existence. It was rather that his eyes were opened to see a spiritual dimension of reality which God has hidden from us in this present age, a dimension which, none the less, really does exist in our space/time universe, and within which Jesus now lives in his physical resurrected body, waiting, even now, for a time when he will return to earth.” If a blind person momentarily gained their sight and described an actual tree that they saw, other blind people, especially if they lived in a world where everyone was blind, might automatically assume that the tree was not real, a mere symbol of a spiritual reality. But they would be wrong. Likewise we should not assume that either heaven does not exist, or that everything that is said about it is merely symbolic. It is fully possible that the present heaven not only exists in our space/time universe but that it is also a physical realm. In the story of the rich man and Lazarus, Jesus describes two physical places, and real people who are able to communicate and who are conscious of family members on earth. Why would Jesus paint a picture of the afterlife in such concrete detail if this has nothing to teach us about those places? I don’t believe this is simply a parable about the consequences of choices we make now. It may be that our idea that heaven is only a ‘spiritual’ realm comes from the teachings of Plato. Plato believed that the physical earth and the human body were essentially evil and that only heaven and the spirit were good. The Christian leaders- Philo in the First Century, and Origen in the Second century, were heavily influenced by this philosophy and so they taught that we were better off living in a spiritual and disembodied state. Perhaps it is this influence that has blinded many people to the truth that the future new heaven and earth is going to be very earthy and physical. It may be this influence that has caused us to close our minds to the possibility of the present heaven being a physical place with physical things in it. In the C17th classic “Paradise Lost” John Milton suggests that earth may be a shadow of heaven. In his book ‘the angel,’ Raphael says to Adam, “What if earth be but the shadow of heaven, and things therein each to the other like, more then on earth is thought?” Certainly when we read about the present heaven in the book of Revelation there are many references to things that are extremely familiar to us on earth- a heavenly temple filled with the smoke of God’s glory, scrolls, elder’s faces, martyrs in clothes, people waving palm- branches, musical instruments, horses coming in and out and eagles flying overhead. C.S Lewis certainly seemed to believe that earth is patterned on the present heaven when he writes, “the hills and valleys of heaven will be to those you now experience not as a copy is to an original, nor as a substitute is to the genuine article, but as a flower to the root or the diamond to the coal.” So in answer to my first question – “will heaven be a conscious experience and is it a real, physical place?” Yes! I believe heaven is a real and physical place and I believe that we will be fully conscious there. A second question that comes to mind is- will we be conscious of time in heaven? Will we be fully aware of the time gap between the present heaven at the moment of death and receiving our new resurrection bodies and living on the new heaven and earth when Christ returns? Some Christians believe that when we pass out of this world we pass out of the whole order of time as we know it. They point to verses such as “With God a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years like a day.” As evidence that heavenly time is different to what we currently experience. Some suggest that from the point of view of those who die, their next conscious moment will be the Lord’s coming and the resurrection. It is unwise for us to be dogmatic concerning what the experience of time will be like beyond death. It certainly appears that it may not be identical to what we experience now. On the other hand, the biblical evidence that we do have seems to point to the fact that we will experience time in some way in the present heaven and that there will be an experiential time gap between entering the present heaven at death and being resurrected to live on the new heaven and earth at Christ’s return. Let me give you a few examples… In Jesus’ parable, the rich man asks Lazarus to send someone to earth to tell his family that there really is a hell as well as a heaven, before it is too late. There is still time before it is too late, time that both these men are obviously consciously aware of. In the transfiguration of Jesus, Moses and Elijah come from the present heaven and make an after-death appearance on earth. It stands to reason that they would be aware of this even though technically they had moved between different time zones. Their conversation with Jesus and the disciples also indicates that they were aware of Jesus’ plans to go to Jerusalem and the timings of these events. In the passage about the martyrs in Revelation 6, it is clear that these people were very conscious, not only of what was going on around them in heaven, but also of what was happening on earth, particularly in regard to the persecution that other Christians were facing. In light of this, they cry out to God, “How long before you bring justice on the earth?” In response, God encourages them to be patient and “to wait a little longer.” This again clearly shows us that in heaven people will in some way be conscious of time. So from my reading of scripture, I don’t believe that the first thing people will be conscious of when they die is Christ’s return, receiving a resurrected body and becoming a part of the new heaven and the new earth. I believe there will be a conscious time gap of experience between these two places and these two events. But just how that perception of time correlates to what we currently experience as time, I cannot be certain. So in answer to my second question- will we be conscious of time in heaven and will we be fully aware of the time gap between the present heaven at the moment of death and receiving our new resurrection bodies and living on the new heaven and earth when Christ returns? I would say ‘yes’ we will be conscious of time in heaven and of a time gap between entering the present heaven and receiving our full resurrection. But how exactly we perceive time in the present heaven may not be identical to how we perceive it currently on earth. A third question that I ask when thinking about what happens to our loved ones when they die is- will they have some physical form or will they be disembodied in the interim period between death and Christ’s return? It seems clear that at death, the body enters the ground through burial or cremation and the spirit or soul goes to the present heaven. At some stage in the future, when Christ returns, we will be clothed in our new resurrection body to live on the new heaven and the new earth. But what will our existence be like in between? For those who believe that our perception of time will be different in heaven, it is not a big issue. They believe that in terms of perception of time, for those who die the disembodied state will hardly be noticeable because for them Christ’s return and resurrection will seem instantaneous, even though for us on earth it has taken many years. But for those of us, who like myself believe that the intermediate phase in the present heaven will involve conscious perception of time, the idea of disembodiment seems strange. Now, before I go any further, let me say that according to the teaching of the Westminster Confession, the intermediate phase is stated as being disembodied, however long that lasts. What exactly disembodiment means is not explained. However, when we look at the passages of scripture we have just considered there are natural observations which give rise to questions about this traditional view or what it might mean to be disembodied. For example, in the parable of the rich man and Lazarus, Lazarus is said to have fingers and the rich man a tongue that could feel hot and cold. They recognized Abraham and were consciously able to hold a conversation. At the transfiguration, Moses and Elijah were clearly recognizable to the disciples, so either God gave them an intermediate body while they were on earth and then removed it when they went back to heaven, or they had some form of heavenly body which was not their full resurrection body, yet in some way was more than just spirit. In the passage in Rev 6 about the heavenly martyrs, we are told that they prayed to God, called out and wore white robes! This seems to suggest much more than just some wispy spiritual existence. In Rev 7 we read of elders with faces, of martyrs in clothes and people waving palm leaves. The word translated as ‘souls’ for the martyrs in heaven actually means ‘the whole person’ and not just spirit. In Rev 10 we read that John had some sort of body when he visited heaven, so that he could hold things, eat and taste. And at the close of 2 Corinthians Paul describes his own experience of being caught up into what he describes as the third heaven. He says that when that happened, he wasn’t sure if he was in the body or out of the body! This doesn’t prove that in heaven we could have some form that is different from our final resurrection body, but Paul certainly doesn’t dismiss the idea. Then of course we have the examples of Enoch and Elisha who went straight to heaven without dying. Are we to assume that they left their bodies behind mid- journey or were they given their resurrection bodies before everyone else? Certainly, there is at least one person currently in heaven with a full resurrection body, and that is our Lord Jesus. So where does that leave us in answer to my third question - will we have some physical form or will they be a disembodied spirit in the interim period between death and Christ’s return? The truth is I don’t know. Certainly scripture teaches that we will not receive our full resurrection bodies until Christ returns to set up the new haven and earth. It seems possible from the scriptures we have examined that our soul or spirit takes on some sort of form that is in some way physical and recognizable in the interim period. This may be what it means to be disembodied. However, I can’t be certain. What I do know is that we are not truly human without a body and a spirit. The good news is that our final destination of the new heaven and earth will be very earthy and physical and that our resurrection bodies while amazingly different will be instantly recognizable and in so many ways similar to what we currently know and experience yet without any of the limitations, mortality and imperfections. The last question I have about the present heaven is, at least for today, is there any connection between heaven and earth? When a loved one dies do they hear us when we still talk to them? It seems clear from both the parable of the rich man and Lazarus and the details about the martyrs in heaven in Rev 6 that the people in heaven are in some way conscious of people and events on earth. The people in heaven and hell are concerned for their loved ones. The rich man wanted his loved ones to know what was ahead. The martyrs in heaven wanted their families and friends to receive justice. So it seems there is a vital connection between this world and the next! At the transfiguration it is clear that Moses and Elijah were well informed about Jesus’ plans to go to Jerusalem. In heaven we are told that Jesus prays for us and it’s clear from the example of the martyrs in Revelation that other people are praying too. I don’t think this means we should necessarily pray to the saints, because we are advised in scripture that there is one mediator between man and God, the man Christ Jesus. Nevertheless, we can be certain that the saints are praying for us. The fact that they are also aware of what’s going on here on earth gives me encouragement that they may well be able to hear what we are saying. I once asked a Catholic Priest genuinely and sincerely why they were encouraged to pray to the Saints. In response he asked me a question, “Do you ever ask a friend to pray for you Michael?” “Well yes”, I replied. “What we do is exactly the same,” he said, “because we believe there is a connection between heaven and earth and we be believe those who have gone ahead of us are not dead but alive!” To this day, I still don’t have an easy come back to that. Nor would I discourage anyone who has lost a loved one from talking to them at the side of a grave. The truth is, in some way the people in heaven are aware of what goes on here and they may well be able to hear what we say. They certainly still love us and are concerned as much for our welfare as we are for theirs. It is fantastic to think that they pray for us and that one day, there will be a wonderful reunion. So in answer to the last question I have about the present heaven - is there any connection between heaven and earth and when a loved one dies do they hear us when we talk to them? I would say ‘Yes’ there is definitely a connection. It may be that the signal is all one way but even if that’s the case, it’s great to know that our loved ones can see us, they care for us and are praying for our welfare. Having said all that, it seems that over the years we have lost the valuable truth contained in these thoughts. In previous worship sources of the PCI we have prayers for the faithful departed. I think these are prayers that should be resurrected, for they remind us that we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses cheering us on as we walk this Christian journey. They have shown us the way. They are praying for us to keep going. And one day when the race is run, they will be there to embrace us when we cross the finish line! I hope you are enjoying this series, so I hope you come back to hear the final installment in two week time. If you missed the first episode then do go online to listen to it on the church Facebook Page or read the script on the Blog on our Website. My sincere thanks to Dave for editing and uploading our recordings. Next week we will be celebrating father’s Day and the following week we will consider the question- what will we be like and what we will be doing in our final resurrected existence in the new heaven and the new earth? Introduction to Song of Response Last week in church one of our members thanked me for introducing them to the Petersen family who sing Christian songs in a blue grass style. One of the songs that has blessed them and which fits with our theme of heaven is the song “All my tears”. So sit back as the Petersen’s remind us that even in death we do not grieve as those who have no hope for in that moment God will door open the door to welcome us into our heavenly joy. (End Part 4) Song of Response The Petersens – ‘All my tears’ LINK https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wsQw2UPHdS0 Part 5 Prayers for others Michael Loving God we remember today all who have gone ahead of us in the journey of faith, running the race set before them and holding firm to the end. God of heaven, Grant to them and to us your eternal blessing. We remember those you called at the very beginning – like Abraham, Isaac and Jacob- examples of faith who have been an inspiration to generations ever since. God of heaven, Grant to them and to us your eternal blessing. We remember those you called to lead your people through adversity – like Moses, Joshua, Esther – examples of commitment and determination against all the odds. God of heaven, Grant to them and to us your eternal blessing. We remember those you called to speak your word – like Samuel, Elisha and Elijah – examples of wisdom and insight into your will. God of heaven, Grant to them and to us your eternal blessing. We remember those you called to rule your chosen nation- like Saul, David and Solomon- examples of human greatness and human fallibility. God of heaven, Grant to them and to us your eternal blessing. We remember those you called to proclaim judgement and renewal- Isaiah, Deborah, Jeremiah – examples of openness to your word and courage in proclaiming it. God of heaven, Grant to them and to us your eternal blessing. We remember these and so many more leading up to the coming of Christ, and we remember also your servants who were a part of his ministry or a part of his church. God of heaven, Grant to them and to us your eternal blessing. We remember John the Baptist, the voice in the wilderness, Mary the other of Jesus, the twelve apostles, his friends and confidantes, the women at the empty tomb, looking in vain for his body and all those countless individuals who were touched by His earthly ministry. God of heaven, Grant to them and to us your eternal blessing. We remember Peter, the rock of the church, Paul apostle to the Gentiles, Lydia who opened her home for the spread of the gospel and all those who have followed in their footsteps, saints known and unknown near and far, yet each a part of the great company of your people in heaven and on earth. God of heaven, Grant to them and to us your eternal blessing. We remember those we have known, those who have been part of this church or the churches we have grown up in or attended, family members, friends and people who have influenced our lives, who have inspired and encouraged us through their lives. God of heaven, Grant to them and to us your eternal blessing. We remember those around us, the churches of our town, Christians across Ireland, fellow believers throughout the world. God of heaven, Grant to them and to us your eternal blessing. And we pray finally for those who will come after us, all who will come to faith, offer their service and live for Christ. God of heaven, Grant to them and to us your eternal blessing. Loving God, we remember today, all who have gone before us in the journey of faith. Help us and all who follow to run the race as they did, holding firm to the end. God of heaven, Grant to them and to us your eternal blessing. Take a few moments now to remember all the faithful departed and especially those whom we have loved most deeply… Lord we thank you for the people whom we have loved so much who have died in Christ. Thank you for their example and all the love they have shown us. Thank you that they are enjoying heaven now and for all their continued interest in our life and faith. Thank you that one day soon we will be wonderfully reunited with them. All this we pray in the name of Him who has been raised from the dead, has ascended into heaven, who is seated at the right hand of the father and who will come again in glory, Jesus Christ the King, Amen. Closing Words It’s been a joy and privilege to share with you again today. Thank you for logging on. I hope you found today helpful. The Dublin and Munster Education Fund are now accepting applications from our church members seeking funding for secondary and post-secondary education expenses. Completed applications must be submitted online by 31 August 2021. If you are interested you may request an application by sending an email to [email protected] If you would like to book a place at church next Sunday please do text Aleida before Friday evening of this week. If you would like to help with readings, prayers or music and have somehow escaped my attention please don’t be afraid to say to me. But to close, let me share with a benediction after which I invite you to say the grace together… Benediction Now to him who is able to keep you from falling, and to make you stand without blemish in the presence of his glory with rejoicing, to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, power, and authority, before all time and now and forever. And may the grace of the lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all now and forever more, Amen. EXIT Alison to play some music while people are exiting.
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