Wednesday 13th May 2020 APC “The Gift of Music and Song” Welcome and Introduction Good morning everyone and welcome to our Midweek time of worship together. Today is the final reflection in our mini-series “Counting our Blessings” as we think about some of the gifts God gives us. We have considered the gift of encouragement, the gift of friendship, the gift of laughter and today we will be thinking about the gift of music and song. Before we pray, on behalf of you all may I pass on our deepest sympathies to Joy Twamley and her family. Joy’s mum died on Monday and the funeral will be tomorrow at 10.30am. You can watch the service inline if you wish by clicking on the relevant link on our Facebook page and website. And do keep them and all others who have lost loved ones in recent days in your prayers. But to begin, as always, let’s take a moment to talk to God. Let’s pray. Opening Prayer Lord of life, we thank you for the gifts that you have given us – the things we can do well and enjoy doing, the things that bring happiness to us and contribute to the happiness of those around us. Lord of life, teach us to use the gifts that you have given us; to play our part in the life of our church family and our society. We thank you for the gifts of others – those things they can do which we can’t, the talents they have which we haven’t, the skills they can offer which complement our own, and the qualities they display which in so many ways enrich our lives. Lord of life, teach us to appreciate the gifts of those around us; to appreciate the contribution they make to our lives. Lord of life, teach us to recognise those things we can do well, and those things others can do better. Teach us that we belong together; that all have something to give and something to receive. Teach us to see the worth of every human being, and to understand you have a special place for each of us in the body of Christ and in this world. It’s in the name of Christ that we pray, Amen. Let’s join together thoughtfully in the words that Jesus taught us. So we pray… Lord’s Prayer Our Father, which art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy name, Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, On earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day, our daily bread, And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive those who trespass against us, And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil, For Thine is the Kingdom, the power and the glory, For ever and ever, AMEN. Bible Reading Psalm 150 1 Praise the Lord. Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens. 2 Praise him for his acts of power; praise him for his surpassing greatness. 3 Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet, praise him with the harp and lyre, 4 praise him with timbrel and dancing, praise him with the strings and pipe, 5 praise him with the clash of cymbals, praise him with resounding cymbals. 6 Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. Bible Reading Colossians 3:16 16 Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts. Reflection “The Gift of Music and Song” Jane Austen wrote, “Without music life would be a blank to me.” Plato reflected, “Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.” Think for a moment of what the world would be like without the gift of music. No birds singing in the morning. No tunes on the radio as you drive to work. No warning that the ice cream van has arrived in your estate. No ‘Fields of Athenry’ or ‘You’ll never walk alone’ on the terraces. No harp at a wedding, no jingle in the supermarket. No piano in the background at your favourite restaurant and no choir on a Thursday night. No Andrea Bocelli, Bono or Dave. Silent openings to our favourite movies and as you walk up the aisle. Would we dance? Would we whistle? Would we recycle our instruments? In many senses, without music and song life would be a blank or seem like a mistake, no soul to the universe or wing to our mind. But thanks be to God this is not the case! Thanks be to God He has given people talents to play and sing and write lyrics that bring colour to our worlds and a healing to our souls. Music and song are a gift from God. That’s why Madonna can say, “One thing I’ve learned, I’m not the owner of my talent – I’m the manager of it.” Like all God’s gifts, music is good for us. This is true scientifically and objectively. Music has been proven to reduce stress, lesson anxiety, ease pain, improve our athletic and academic performance and lighten our mood. Jonny Depp says, “Music touches us emotionally where words alone can’t.” We all know this is true from experience. Even if we find it hard to put into words, we all know when a song or a piece of music has touched us deeply and made a wonderful difference to our lives. It may have made us cry at a time when we were down or experiencing a deep sense of loss. But in the weeping came healing. It may have lifted our spirits and energised us to face the day. It may have given us a sense of calm in a storm. An unexpected or long forgotten lyric may have screamed at us when we were deaf to every other voice. Music is powerful stuff, or as Bono puts it, “Music can change the world because it can change people.” Music and musicians are an amazing gift from God. That’s what struck me again recently when I took my two boys to see ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’. It was only as I watched, that I realised that so many of the songs that had given me great joy over the years were actually written and sung by Freddie Mercury and Queen. Of course there were aspects of his lifestyle and some vocabulary in the song lyrics that I would not like my teenage sons to copy. But the abiding memory that we all left the cinema with that night was, “Thank God” for the musical genius of Freddie Mercury and thank God for all the amazing songs that he has left us. Who are the musicians and what are the songs that have meant the most to you over the years? Can you remember a time when they have helped or healed you? Is there an instrument that brings you great joy or do you love to sing? Reflect Take a moment and give thanks to God for these people and these good gifts. Of course, the fact that music and song are gifts to us from God, means that one of the best ways we can use them and one of the ways we can get the greatest pleasure from them, is in giving expression to our relationship with God and our experience of life. Many bible characters from Miriam to Simeon, Samson to David, Moses to Mary burst into song when they had an encounter with God. It was a natural expression of their relationship with him. Some were happy, others sad, but all honest and heartfelt and recorded in the bible for us to read. This is also what we discover when we read the Old Testament book of Psalms. These are the ancient song book of God’s people. They are a collection of prayers and poems written by people of faith. Sometimes they express deep sorrow and distress. At other times they give voice to their frustrations or anger, disappointments and doubts. They also provide an outlet for exuberant rejoicing and happiness and gratitude and praise to God. These beautiful lyrics were then set to music and used within the worship of the temple as a way of helping people express their feelings to God in all the circumstances of life. The Psalms are another of God’s gifts to us. Throughout the centuries people have discovered that reading and singing the Psalms has touched them very deeply emotionally and spiritually. These songs have given them a voice for their feelings and enabled them to make some sort of sense of their experiences in life. Covid 19 has been a new and difficult experience for all of us. It has given rise to all sorts of emotions and fears within all of us. It’s at times like this when it’s important for us to use the gifts of music and song that God has given us. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe said, “A man should hear a little music, read a little poetry and see a fine picture every day of his life, in order that worldly cares may not obliterate the sense of the beautiful which God has implanted in the human soul.” I think he’s right. So let me encourage you to find time to listen to some of your favourite music, to read a little prose and take a few nice pictures as you walk along the road. These are God’s good gifts to us to encourage our hearts and give life to our weary souls. Above all, let me encourage you to make time in your life for Christian song. Let me encourage you to read a Psalm a day. To meditate on it, to pray it or even sing it out loud. Tune in to some Christian Radio or play a CD of your favourite hymns. If you do these things, then I believe that the words of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, will come true, “Music… will help dissolve your perplexities and purify your character and sensibilities, and in time of care and sorrow will keep a fountain of joy alive in you.” Prayer Lord God, we pause now to think and pray about others at this time. We remember Joy and Dave Twamley and their wider family circle as they meet tomorrow for the funeral of Joy’s mum Miriam. Please draw near and may the service and burial enable them to say their goodbyes and bring them your comfort and peace as they grieve. We continue to pray for all in Care Homes and in hospital. Lord in all residential care facilities may your sheltering hand be known among residents, your protection experienced by staff and your reassurance granted to family members unable to visit loved ones. Loving Father, for all those in hospital at this time, whether suffering from coronavirus or battling other illnesses, we pray that your presence would be very meaningful and real and that loved ones unable to visit would know his comfort, strength and peace. Continue to give strength, patience, wisdom and courage to every member of staff. God, as the focus moves to the responsible lifting of lockdown restrictions, we ask that you will give wisdom to decision makers so that they may offer good leadership. Help us, despite our feelings of frustration to follow necessary ongoing restrictions with patience and perseverance. We pray for businesses as they grapple with the need for modifications to working practices and conditions in the workplace, Lord, please give creativity and the ability to safely and flexibly begin to resume their work. We remember people who are first responders to those experiencing symptoms of the coronavirus in the ambulance and paramedic services. Father God, thank you for these people. Please use them to bring care and comfort to those experiencing illness and distress, and keep them safe as they do this. We pray for those serving in the PSNI and Garda Síochána, adjusting to new ways of policing. Lord, please enable them to continue to be able to help keep our communities safe. Please protect them from the effects of coronavirus while they are serving the public. We think of retailers who provide us with essential items for everyday living, Father God, we ask that you will help them overcome financial and staffing challenges caused by the pandemic’s interruption of the service they provide and that they may be able to resume trading when the time is right. Lord, we pray for university staff and students. We ask that you would enable a good end to the academic year under unusual circumstances. Lord, God grant your peace to graduates facing uncertainty about future employment prospects. Give lecturers clarity and accuracy in final marking to reflect and reward a good year’s work despite the interruption caused by the coronavirus. We pray for the work of PCI’s development partners Christian Aid Ireland and Tearfund, as they deliver coronavirus emergency initiatives amongst the poorest and most vulnerable communities around the world. Lord, help us to be generous in our giving despite our own present difficult financial situation. Finally we take a moment to pray for other people you know who need God’s help… Closing Words It’s been a joy and privilege to share with you again today. Thanks again for logging on. I hope you have been blessed and motivated to take time to listen to some of your favourite music. It’s my prayer that as you do so, that God will lift your spirits and give you the encouragement you need to keep on keeping on! I hope you will also be as generous as you can in supporting the work of Christian Aid. Despite the difficulties we face, there are many in our world for whom this pandemic has just heaped even greater suffering on their lives. Countries where there is no governmental support, and where even fresh water and medical facilities are in short supply. You can click on the link on our Facebook Page and Website to do that. Carrying on from our theme for today this Sunday coming I will be starting a new series entitled “Songs of Experience” as we look at some of the amazing Psalms that we find in the bible. I’m also delighted to announce that Alison is coordinating another musical item from our virtual choir to go online as part of our service on Sunday week. It would be lovely to have as many people as possible to contribute to that so if you haven’t already joined our choir please do click the button on our website to pass on your interest and contact details to Alison. In the meantime, do keep everyone in your prayers and look out for anyone you can help. For now, what better way to conclude our thoughts on the gift of music and song than by playing “Benediction” by Stewart Townend. Benediction May the peace of God, our heav'nly Father, And the grace of Christ, the risen Son, And the fellowship of God the Spirit Keep our hearts and minds within His love. And to Him be praise for His glorious reign; From the depths of earth to the heights of heaven We declare the name of the Lamb once slain Christ eternal, the King of Kings. May this peace which passes understanding, And this grace which makes us what we are, And this fellowship of His communion, Make us one in spirit and in heart. And to Him be praise for His glorious reign; From the depths of earth to the heights of heaven We declare the name of the Lamb once slain Christ eternal, the King of Kings.
1 Comment
5/13/2020 11:58:50 am
One song that has always been special to me is "I'll Walk with God".from the film "The Student Prince" and sung by Mario Lanza. The words are so appropriate when one has 'strayed' from God's chosen path for us but we know that if we "pray to Him, each day to Him, and we'll never walk alone while we walk with God".
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