APC 4th April 2021 “Easter Sunday” PART 1 Welcome and Introduction Good morning and welcome to our Easter Sunday Celebration. On Friday we left in silence and darkness as we felt the disillusionment and dejection of the disciples as they watched their master die. Today we will follow the ladies to the tomb as they faithfully pay their respects and put spices on their beloved friend’s body…They are in for a huge surprise. It’s my hope that as we reflect again on the resurrection that we too might be surprised to find that despite all that’s happened over this past year we still believe and we are still filled with hope and joy…Let us pray… Opening Prayer All loving and all powerful God, we thank you for this day and all it means – the assurance it brings that your love is stronger than anything else in heaven and earth – stronger than evil, than all human powers, than sorrow and suffering, than death itself. Accept our thanks for this day. Accept our thanks for everything. We thank you that in our world of so much pain and sorrow you have shown that hope and faith are not in vain. Your purpose is always at work, giving meaning to our seeking and striving after good. Accept our thanks for this day. Accept our thanks for everything. All loving and all powerful God, accept our praise for all you have done in Christ- a mystery before which we stand in awe, a wonder before which we bow in praise, a truth in which we live and move and have our being. Accept our thanks for this day. Accept our thanks for everything. In the name of the living and risen Christ. Amen. Introduction to Apostle’s Creed Since it’s Easter Sunday, rather than say the Lord’s Prayer together, we are going to say the words of the Apostle’s Creed. This is a wonderful prayer, reaffirming in a concise way, the most important things that Christians have believed right from the very beginning. So sit back and join in, as many of our church family lead us in the Apostle’s Creed- (End Part 1) Video- The Apostle’s Creed Part 2 Introduction to Opening Song I’d like to thank Emma and Philip for putting that together and for everyone who volunteered to play a part. You may or not be aware that our RTE Choir spent many weeks practicing the song “Sing Hosanna” with the accompaniment of brass instruments played by Rebecca Kearon, Kate and Laura O’Sullivan and their Silver Band leader Artur Bosy. Unfortunately, due to a last minute Covid Review, they were unable to play live on RTE last Sunday. So to honour all the work that they have put in and to show you what you missed out on last Sunday, sit back as we worship God together through the original version of our song… (END Part 2) Opening Song “Sing Hosannah with Brass” PART 3 Introduction to Kids Video We come now to the part of the service that is especially for the younger members of our church family. So if your kids aren’t beside you right now, why not pause the recording, and call them in to watch a short video about the Easter story. And at the end of this video I’ve a few words to say to the children so don’t let them rush away. (END Part 3) Kid’s Video Saddleback Kids – “The Easter Story, Jesus’ Sacrifice” Link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HL8R158Ujp4 PART 4 Kid’s Talk Summary Hey boys and girls. I want to wish you all a very happy Easter. The Easter is story is so amazing. A couple of weeks ago we learned that Jesus died on the cross to take the blame for all the wrong things we do. Today we celebrate that isn’t the end of the story. Jesus didn’t stay dead. Three days later He came back to life again and spent another 6 weeks with his friends. We know that it’s true because so many of His friends saw him and then they told everybody else. After the 6 weeks were over Jesus went back up into heaven again. That’s where He is today. You know it’s fantastic to know that Jesus is alive today. Because that means when you talk to Jesus, when you pray, He really can hear you and He really can help you. Maybe you find it hard to do what your mum or dad says. Maybe you find it hard to share. Maybe you find it hard not to say certain words. Well, the great news is that because Jesus is alive, when you ask Him He will help you with the things we find hard. Jesus can really help you and me to be better people. This is the great news of Easter. Jesus is alive! He can give us the power to live right. I hope you have a really, really lovely Easter and that you get to eat lots of chocolate eggs. Don’t forget to ask your mum or dad to print off the colouring sheet to help you remember the lesson today. And don’t forget to tune in again next Sunday. Bye for now… Colouring Sheet Link https://coloringhome.com/he-is-risen-coloring-pages Introduction to Bible Reading Our bible Reading today is taken from Mark Chapter 16 reading from verses 1-8. “Jesus Rises from the dead.” Bible Reading Mark 16 v 1-8 “Jesus rises from the dead”” “When the Sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices so that they might go to anoint Jesus’ body. 2 Very early on the first day of the week, just after sunrise, they were on their way to the tomb 3 and they asked each other, “Who will roll the stone away from the entrance of the tomb?” 4 But when they looked up, they saw that the stone, which was very large, had been rolled away. 5 As they entered the tomb, they saw a young man dressed in a white robe sitting on the right side, and they were alarmed. 6 “Don’t be alarmed,” he said. “You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid him. 7 But go, tell his disciples and Peter, ‘He is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him, just as he told you.’” 8 Trembling and bewildered, the women went out and fled from the tomb. They said nothing to anyone, because they were afraid.” Reflection “Easter Sunday” Today is Easter Sunday. For me it’s the highlight of the Christian Year. Today we celebrate that Jesus Christ rose from the dead and is alive for evermore! If it’s true, it makes all the difference! All the difference to my life now, and every day. All the difference when eventually my life comes to an end. But is it true? Do I actually still believe it? Do you? For all of us, this past year has perhaps made it harder for us to believe than ever before. Certainly the fact that we have been forbidden to meet together hasn’t helped. Like a coal taken from the fire and set on the hearth, it’s easy to find our faith growing cold when we can’t meet face to face and encourage one another. By nature I’m a gregarious person. I’ve found this lockdown really hard. There are times like you, I’ve felt threatened in my faith. I’ve experienced the same fears and doubts that you have. So as I reflected this week on what I might say today about the resurrection, I found myself asking – after all that’s happened this year, do I really still believe it? Do I really believe that Jesus came back to life and is alive today? Or am I just hanging on, pretending, because at the end of the day it’s a job, and at my age, what else would I do? As I’ve searched my heart, deep down, I have found that my answer to that question is still a “Yes”. Sure, like the disciples who locked themselves away in fear of facing the same fate as their master, there have been times when I’ve queried whether everything I’ve believed in is all just a fairy tale. But then, also like them, as I’ve reflected, as I’ve prayed, as I’ve seen glimpses of the risen Christ in the world, I’ve discovered once again that actually, it is true, and I do believe! But why, as Jesus said, am I so blessed? How am I able to hold on to my faith even though I have never seen the risen Christ? Well for one thing I want it to be true. As you know my mum died during Covid from cancer about 9 months ago. Due to the lockdowns and travel restrictions I only got to see her headstone for the first time a few weeks ago. If I’m honest, I don’t think about her all the time, but last week as I was weeding in the garden I missed her a lot. She was an amazing gardener. There were questions I wanted to ask her and things I wanted to show her, but I couldn’t- she wasn’t there. But as I forked over the soil and saw the little green shoots poking their heads from the ground, as I looked at the new growth beginning to appear on the bushes and climbers, I was surprised once more by the evidence of resurrection! Like the disciples who heard stories that Jesus was alive, who touched the scars in his hands, who saw Him breaking bread at their table or heard Him calling to them from the beach as they fished, in that moment, I realised again – “it’s true!” The evidence of the power of creation was all around. The evidence of the power of God to bring about new life. And in that moment, my heart leapt for joy. Mum’s not dead, she’s just not here at the moment. Her headstone doesn’t mark a grave, it’s an empty tomb! Sure I miss her! But if Christ isn’t risen it’s a whole lot worse! But He is risen! And she is risen. And one day there’s going to be a great reunion! So I want to believe, because the thought of not seeing our loved ones again is just unthinkable. But I also believe because for me, the stories of the gospels ring so true. If the resurrection is a conspiracy, it’s not a very good one. If the alibi of the guards is to be believed – how were they not wakened when the disciples reportedly stole the body? And if they were asleep how did they know it was the disciples? Not that I believe the disciples, who were cowering in locked rooms, seemed capable of stealing a body and faking a resurrection. They were too afraid for their own safety to attend Jesus’ burial. And if they really wanted to promote such a victorious concept, would they not have concealed the reality of their unbelief? And, in a society where the courts scandalously didn’t actually accept the testimony of a woman, would you really want your prime witnesses to be the women? A conspiracy would have tidied up the eye witness testimonies – were there two white figures or just one? Why did Mary mistake Him for a gardener? No, the gospels are not presented as courtroom evidence to prove the resurrection happened. Rather the resurrection is reported honestly for what it was – a shocking surprise that no one was expecting. What was it that turned depressed, fearful and silent followers into a band of courageous advocates who would eventually give their very lives for the resurrection party? For me the story rings true. And lastly, like the disciples, at the end of the day I believe because I’ve actually encountered the risen Christ. It’s not that he has appeared to me in a dream or that He’s walked into my office. But when I knelt at the side of my bed 30 years ago and asked Him genuinely for the first time to become part of my life something happened. I can’t explain it. But it’s very, very, real. The Spirit of the risen Christ became part of me and from that day on it’s been different. That day, I began a genuine and real relationship with Christ. I don’t see Him, but I talk to Him. At times I sense very much that He is with me. I listen for His guiding voice as I read the scriptures and as I pray. And in the moments when I ask myself, am I actually going mad? I remind myself of what I know and have proven again and again and again to be true- When I pray, I am a much better man than when I don’t. Without question, Jesus Christ has made me a much less selfish person than I was before I encountered Him. What about you? Do you believe? Why or why not? It is my hope and prayer this Easter that all of us will take time to reflect on the stories of the resurrection and to ask ourselves these questions. For me again, the answer is “Yes.” I see evidence of God and His new creation power in every element of spring time. I want it to be true, because I know that a loving God would not want death and separation to be the final chapter. For me, the gospel record, just seems so unedited, not to be true. And at the end of the day, I encounter the risen Jesus every time I find the faith to pray. May I wish you and all your loved ones a very happy and a reassured Easter. Amen. Introduction to Song It was a real encounter with the living Christ that made all the difference to the first disciples. What a morning that was. For us, every morning is a resurrection morning. For Christ is with us by His Spirit, every moment of every day. So let’s join together to celebrate as members of the choir last Sunday lead us in the song, “See what a morning!” (End Part 4) Song of Response “See what a Morning” PART 5 Prayer for Easter Assurance Living God, we come to you on this day of celebration, conscious that there is so much in our lives that is uncertain, so much we cannot predict, so much we neither know nor understand. Assure us of the victory you have won in Christ. Remind us once more through this season that in all the changes and chances of this world you are an unchanging rock, an unfailing deliverer, an everlasting hope. Assure us of the victory you have won in Christ. Remind us as we continue to celebrate Easter in the days ahead, that your love continues through all things, your power is supreme over all things, and your presence is with us in all things. Assure us of the victory you have won in Christ. Give us this day, a sense of your greatness, a recognition of all you have done and a confidence in all you shall do. Assure us of the victory you have won in Christ. Living God be among us now we pray through the risen Christ. Help us to hear His voice, to offer him our service and to offer you our praise. Assure us of the victory you have won in Christ. We know that our hope is in you and in you alone. Help us to accept that, to live in that assurance and so to follow wherever you might lead us. Assure us of the victory you have won in Christ. For it’s in His name that we ask it. Amen. Take a moment now to pray for one or two people you know who need God’s help at this time…. All this we ask in the name of the one who died who is risen and ascended and will come again in glory, Amen. CLOSING WORDS It’s been a joy and privilege to share with you again today. Thanks again for logging on. I hope you’ve enjoyed our service. May I take this opportunity to wish you and all your families a very happy Easter. I want to say a big thank you to Dave Hendry for all the extra work he has put in this week downloading, and uploading and stitching the services together. I would also like to give a very special thanks to Alison and all the members of our choir and to everyone who has been so willing to contribute with the bible readings and prayers. We really are so blessed to be part of such a wonderful church family. With our Taoiseach’s announcement early this week there seems that there is Easter hope of church reopening at the beginning of May. So do pray that the vaccination program will continue to roll out successfully and that Covid numbers will fall sufficiently to allow that to happen. I honestly can’t wait to see you all again in person and to join in worship together. I’m hoping to take a rest this week so there will be no service this Wednesday. Please do tune in again next Sunday when our Moderator Rev David Bruce will lead the service for us. But for now, let me lead you in a Benediction, after which I invite you as always, to say the grace together… Benediction May the loving power of God, which raised Jesus to new life, strengthen you in hope, enrich you with his love, and fill you with joy in the faith And may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all now and forever more. Amen.
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